Baphomet Leviathan


The Egyptian goat god, male and female, is a vice-regent of Hell 33˚ of Freemasonry. It is duality of sexuality.

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The Egyptian goat god, male and female, is a vice-regent of Hell 33˚ of Freemasonry. It is duality of sexuality. The idol worship of the goat brings rebellion, defiance, independence and an unteachable spirit that keeps raping the victim. It wants to take you into insanity. Baphomet is an office of Sodom, sealed by the pentagram and Rosicrucian bloodshed. The voice of the goat takes over. Sodom and Gomorrah brings destruction, and division. The tattoo of ‘solve et Coagula’ is to dissolve and bring a loss of everything.  Locked in checkmate. The crossed swords cause a bomb to go off in your brain. It is a false royal priesthood, a shadow brotherhood, and a shadow of death. Lilith succubus brings night-time visitations and takes you on the wings of false ascension. Lilith guards the womb.