Hitler Is Back (Intercession)


The vehicle of the Church and the world has been the Illuminati vehicle. We must get off this vehicle. The Illuminati vehicle is bloodshed, lose and holocaust.

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The vehicle of the Church and the world has been the Illuminati vehicle. We must get off this vehicle. The Illuminati vehicle is bloodshed, lose and holocaust. Millions were murdered in genocide by Hitler’s black vehicle. Hitler’s black vehicle of Illuminati is the black bull of murder and rape. It is Saturn the sorcerer/magician of Sodom of lust and self-love. Saturn’s time is Chronos time not the Kairos of God. The doctrines of the Neo-Nazi secret society were built on the Thule and Vril Society. The two societies of Illuminati had 12 false Apostles. 28 Knights of the Sun were black sun worshippers; like the SS of Hitler: same as Boy Scout Movement, Rotary, Lions Club and the Gypsy wheel. Our mandate is to strip Baal. The 30, 32, and 33 degrees in Fremasonry have a covenant ring to seal us in Baal: the Oroborous ring of the Dragon. The covenant rings bring decapitation and mutilation. Hitler wore a covenant ring to the beast and the 33 degree ring of mercury poison – a ring of suicide.