Jezebel – Arch Druid’s Office


The stone altar under the oak tree is defiled by the giants of incest: Arch Druid Great High Priest worshipping the false tree of life of Kabbalah.

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The stone altar under the oak tree is defiled by the giants of incest: Arch Druid Great High Priest worshipping the false tree of life of Kabbalah. The Arch Druid Judge is the god Hu, a false prophet who speaks creative words of death using spell magic. The big G of Freemasonry is black witchcraft against a man’s waterworks, his prostrate gland. King Solomon’s stone, the black stone of mercury poison confusion sexuality and is bi-sexual, full of burning lusts: sealed with the pentagram. The Grand Master is a double portion office of death and Hell to takeover Jesus. The Royal Black Arch is a false master builder who lays the capstone of death. The grip of the grand Master is a hand of death and the hand of Jezebel hidden undercover: The false lion roaring. King James of Scotland and England was a double portion King of Freemasonry, a guard of death, a supplanter and a murderer. James was a patron saint of the Orange Lodge wearing the crown of Kabbalah of death.