Sex Magick, Death Magick and Chaos Magick


Knight Templar’s steal the Glory and takes over the land: Elohim Dagon. They are murderers and blood shedders. They move in a false vehicle of cavalry and need to be deposed.

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Knight Templar’s steal the Glory and takes over the land: Elohim Dagon. They are murderers and blood shedders. They move in a false vehicle of cavalry and need to be deposed. There is a male Knight Templar and a female Knight Templar the lady of the lake. The womb is the holy grail of Mary Magdalene. The female is the progenitor of the triple helix of the beast in our bloodlines: the sex magic of Freemasonry.

The false Joseph of Mormonism claimed to be of the tribe of Ephraim. He was full of deception and joined to the Princess of Mormonism Asenath-Lilith: goddess of the shut womb. Mormonism carries huge levels of sex magic.

12/12/12 was the invoking of the New World Order with chanting and incantations to release sex magick, death magick and chaos magick. Choronzon 333, the mystic number of the 33, births twins of Harpocrates (Silence) and Horus (Violence) and is the same as the black suns of Hitler and the Jesuits.

13 = Chaos Magick of false Apostles to create chaos and takes over a governmental head by releasing an Aquarius wave of Judgment.

Ipsimus is the highest office of magick established through sex magick and is a twin of Sodom. Ipsimus carries a fox, wolf, snake spirit to pack rape with a double portion seed to stop the seed of the Lord and takes us into a false ascension.