The Takeover of Kabbalah


The false tree of life is the Kabbalah tree of death. Kabbalism has two pillars of the ancestral high priest and high priestess office.


The false tree of life is the Kabbalah tree of death. Kabbalism has two pillars of the ancestral high priest and high priestess office. They come together to join us in the all-seeing eye of the Beast, declaring death to the Church. The masonic Jacob’s ladder is the centre column of Kabbalah. It is the ladder of competition, the all-seeing eye, the river of death. Our inheritance in God is the River of Life and the Tree of Life. But iniquity has taken many people into the Kabbalah Tree of Death and Hell. Kidnapped and stolen against their will, with loss of hope, just utter despair at being trapped in the pit of the Beast. It may look like there is no hope, but this is a testimony of the supernatural power of God to release us into our full inheritance.