Crone Queen Witch of the Family


*** Previously The Crone is Over Every Nation ***

Queen Jezebel sitting on her throne lauds it over the Church, and sits as the “I am the Ark, and my womb is the Ark.” The Crone Witch, sitting upon the Beast.

Category: SKU: YK0506 Tags:


*** Previously The Crone is Over Every Nation ***

Queen Jezebel sitting on her throne lauds it over the Church, and sits as the “I am the Ark, and my womb is the Ark.” The Crone Witch, sitting upon the Beast.

We will not have Revival until we get her off her throne. She wears a crown of 12 stars and is false authority and illegitimate authority. The Crone is a harlot, the voice of Divination, the False Raising of the Dead and is a total takeover Spirit.

Paul exposed the temple of Diana and her worship, in Acts. Diana holds 7 stars in her hand, which represents the 7 churches of Revelation. We must break the bondage over the Churches if we are going to be free from her wicked abominations.