False Ascension of Brandenburg Gate


True Ascension is when we ascend into the fullness of the Throne Room of God. Yvonne unfolds much more on the true ascension of Jesus.

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True Ascension is when we ascend into the fullness of the Throne Room of God. Yvonne unfolds much more on the true ascension of Jesus.

We must break false ascension as it takes us on astral wings burning with the fires of Sodom, in sun god worship. False Ascension is the counterfeit of True Ascension. Yvonne uses Hitler and his secret service as an example of false ascension of the black sons of the New World Order: The Aryan race of Illuminate.

It is the 33° Grandmaster, slave master, Knights Templar Jesuit that goes into a false ascension.

False Ascension is illuminate programming and seals us in skull and bones of the 4th Reich of the New World Order.