The Prophetic Word 2014/2015


The world is in tribulation. Creation groans and labours for the coming of the Son of Man. The earth is reeling like a drunkard for He shakes the earth.

Category: SKU: YK1414


The world is in tribulation. Creation groans and labours for the coming of the Son of Man. The earth is reeling like a drunkard for He shakes the earth. Moses followed the same template as Elijah (the Prophet/Priest of the bloodline of Judah). Elijah travailed to bring forth the rain: the sound of many waters. He moved in the fire, the water, the wind and the blood just like Moses.

The corporate anointing is all participating in intercession – as a military army, contending Gog and Magog as they come down from the North (the Nephilim twins of abomination and desolation). Daniel saw the four beasts of the New World Order coming.